What are filters?
Filters contain the information for evaluating a logbook . While the award rules and the entries in the award list only contain information about the award and the award conditions in text form, the filter consists of instructions that are used in the subsequent logbook evaluation to check each individual QSO.
A filter is not absolutely necessary for a logbook evaluation. With the help of extensive search routines, you can also find out the QSOs necessary for the fulfillment of an award in the evaluation yourself. Most logbook programs only offer this option.
The advantage of a filter , however, is that you no longer have to worry about rules that have been defined. The evaluation then runs almost automatically.
Before you can use a filter, you have to create it first. This activity is not that easy, even if you can create a filter very quickly with the help of the filter editor from HAM Diplom. It is important here that you understand the rules well.
Before creating a filter, you should take a look at the HAM Office homepage. The filter may already be available for download . The sample filters in the program and this help file also provide extensive help for creating a filter.
A filter consists of a number of rules that are adopted into the program from the award text. Essentially, these are the following rules :
- From when can QSOs be counted for the award?
- How often can a station appear in the award list?
- Are there exceptions for individual stations?
- How many award points does a QSO achieve under what conditions and how many award points are necessary to achieve the award?
- Should there be different values of a field in a certain number , e.g. 100 different DXCC?
- Should a word be formed from the call of the QSOs?
- Are there further special rules or does the QSO have to meet more than one rule in order to be submitted for the award?
The answers to these questions are stored in the filter and it examines each individual QSO in the log during the logbook evaluation to see whether it fulfills these rules and can thus be submitted for the award.