Implementation of a diploma evaluation
To carry out an award evaluation, you can proceed as follows:
- Get the award rules. These can then be entered in the award list so that they are always available.
- Create a filter . This function is not absolutely necessary, but extremely helpful. You can also get the filter from another user of the program or from the HAM Diplom homepage.
- Create an entry in the evaluation list , in which you specify which logbook is to be evaluated and possibly also enter the filter to be used.
- Change to the evaluation register with the button " List QSO " of the evaluation list.
- Selection of the QSOs that are eligible for the award. The selection takes place in the register "entire log" and can be done with a filter, with the selection window or manually by marking individual QSOs. The marked QSOs are copied into the "Preselection" or "Selection" tab.
- Checking the QSOs in the "Preselection" tab. Possibly finer selection manually or with a selection window and moving the marked QSOs to the "Selection" tab. This point can also be skipped.
- Another check of the QSOs in the "Selection" tab. Maybe some QSOs are not good. These are then moved to the "Locked" tab.
- If several QSOs have been deleted from the "Selection" tab, there may not be enough QSOs to submit them after they have been deleted. You can now switch to the "Entire Log" tab again and select additional QSOs there with a filter, selection window or manual and copy them to the "Selection" tab.
- When using a filter, the program can use the "ZF" button to create a summary and indicate whether the award conditions have been met.
- The QSL cards of the QSOs in the "Selection" tab are submitted to the award manager. You can now move the entries from the "Selection" tab to the "Submitted" tab. The date of the submission is entered.
- If the confirmation of the submitted QSOs comes, you can move it to the "Confirmed" tab. Here, too, you will be asked when the confirmation was made. Any rejected QSOs will be moved to the "Blocked/rejected" tab.
- Later you can select further QSOs for submission. If the evaluation works with a filter, the program can recognize which QSOs are no longer necessary because they have already been submitted, confirmed or rejected.